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The goal of the R package rphenofish is to provide an interface to the PHENOFISH database. {{ ADD A FEW LINES }}


The main purpose of the rphenofish package is to download, select, filter, homogenize, and visualize PHENOFISH data. The References page provides a full description of the features available in the package.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

## Install < remotes > package (if not already installed) ----
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

## Install dev version of < rphenofish > from GitHub ----

Then you can attach the package rphenofish:

Get started

For an overview of the main features of rphenofish, please read the Get started vignette.


rphenofish provides {{ XX }} vignettes to learn more about the package:

  • the Get started vignette describes the core features of the package
  • other vignettes will come soon


Please cite this package as:

Casajus N & Loiseau N (2024) rphenofish: An R client to access the PHENOFISH database. R package version URL:


All types of contributions are encouraged and valued. For more information, check out our Contributor Guidelines.

Please note that the rphenofish project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This package has been developed for the FRB-CESAB working group PHENOFISH that aims to pool data on the biodiversity, morphology, behaviour and ecophysiology of marine and freshwater fishes that have never before been brought together.
